Planting flower bulbs

Planting flower bulbs is easy! All they need is a hole in the ground as deep as three times the height of the bulb(*) and to be covered with soil again and some water.
*Goes for most of the spring flowering bulbs. Always follow the instructions per variety.

When to plant flower bulbs

Flower bulbs which flower in spring need to be planted from September until November. This is necessary for the roots to grow and the flower to develop during the winter. 

Combining flower bulbs

It is awesome to combine different kind of flower bulbs!
1 - You can combine different colours of the same flower bulb, such as late flowering tulips. This way you will have a mix of colours in one flowering period.
2 - You can also use the same coloured bulbs, but with a successive flowering time. With this technic you will have colour for a longer period.
3 - Technic number 3 is the lasagna technic. By combining different kinds of bulbs you can make a spectacular view of different colours and shapes. Just mix early flowering bulbs with mid-season flowering bulbs and late flowering bulbs. You can use any colour combination you like, just as long as you plant the bulbs in the right order. The large bulbs need to be planted deeper than the smaller ones. Also keep in mind that the large bulbs shouldn't overgrow a smaller bulb. Shorter varieties can be planted in the front and the higher ones in more in the back.